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Gravel Gardens Ideas

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I have a male friend who lives in a nice house with a front and back garden but like most single men he is more interested in watching sport or going down the pub to meet his friends than to spend time tending to his gardens!

With this in mind, I suggested he look into getting a low maintenance garden, so i have spent this afternoon looking at some gravel garden ideas. Gravel gardens are a great way to reduce the amount of time gardening if that is not something you find fun or time for.

Despite covering large parts of the garden with gravel or stones they don’t have to look terrible, here a few I found today which I will be suggesting to my beer swilling, TV watching friend.

This one if probably my favourite simple, clean and practical, I’m sure that something like this would be easy to achieve and maintain.

Another example of nice simple layout which looks great and will not need hours of maintenance, perfect for the busy and time scarce.

This one is a little more garden like than the previous so there would be a bit more work needed but i like the simple straight forward approach.

A few more pictures and ideas just for good measure.

Now armed with some ideas I shall try my hardest to convince my friend he needs to invest some time and money in converting his current jungle into a beautiful and engaging low maintenance gravel garden.

If I am successful I shall post again with some before and after pictures so you can see the transformation, watch this space.

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