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How to kill, remove, control weeds

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Perennial weeds are best dug up, as they are difficult to control by other methods. Perennial weeds tend to spread by their creeping stems or roots and fragments of the root. So make sure you dig up all roots, leave one little slice of root and your weed will be back.

Weed Control

Hoeing & hand weeding

Regular hoeing and hand weeding can control most weeds. Hoeing is a very effective method of dealing with annual weeds. You should hoe as soon as you see the weeds surfacing above the soil. Push your hoe just below the soil level to sever the weeds. Try to hoe when the ground is dry so weed seeds if brought to the surface won’t germinate.


Mulching can suppress annual weeds and conserves soil moisture. The perennial weeds will still come through the mulch, so need to be dug out by the roots. You can use well-rotted compost, grass cuttings as long as the lawn they came from is weed-free. Also, use de-composed wood chippings and cocoa shells.

Ground cover

Planting ground covering plants is one way of cutting down the amount of weeding. But before planting, all perennial weeds need to be removed. Remember having ground cover doesn’t mean you will always have a weed-free area, but it will be easier to maintain.

Typical Garden Weeds


This weed has a long taproot, up to 6 inches long or more. If left to seed it can reproduce over 5,000 new dandelions from its seeds. The roots need to be dug out fully. If any part of the root is left it will produce a new plant. Hoeing this weed will not get rid of it.

Hedge bindweed

This bindweed tends not to root as deep as the field bindweed. It likes to creep long distance above and below the ground. The roots need to be dugout. If a piece of the root of the weed is left, it will grow into a new weed.

Creeping buttercup

With its vigorous stems creeping across the ground it produces many new plants. Dig out the weed and put down some mulch.


Hoe the seedlings as soon as they appear. This weed can spread seeds that can survive in the soil for up to 40 years and the seeds can germinate at any time of the ear. If the weed is already established then the whole weed needs to be dug up.

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