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Container Gardening – Aubergines to Courgettes

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Make the most of your patio or backyard by growing delicious vegetables in pots or containers. There are several vegetable varieties specifically bred or suitable for growing in containers and here are some of our recommended varieties.

Aubergines / Eggplants

  • Baby Rosanna F1 Produces a prolific harvest of golf ball size aubergines which are bitter free. Growing to 60cms or 24 inches the plants need a sunny, sheltered position on a patio or in a conservatory.
  • Baby Belle F1 A dwarf, compact, spine free plant growing to just 30cm or 12 inches in height producing a great harvest of small jet black aubergines. A sunny, sheltered spot is best.


  • Dwarf (Bush) Borlotto Bean Firetongue Dwarf borlotto beans are a colourful addition to the vegetable garden with striking bright red speckled pods up to 16cm or 6 inches in length containing red speckled beans that can be eaten fresh, dried or frozen.
  • Dwarf (Bush) French Bean Kenyan Safari An excellent french bean that is very heavy cropping producing large clusters of beans which are held high making harvesting easier. The beans are the ‘filet’ type, very slender and stringless with a fabulous flavour. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).
  • Dwarf (Bush) French Bean Sprite An outstanding variety producing 15cm or 6 inches long dark green, fleshy pods which are completely stringless and taste great. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).
  • Dwarf Runner Bean Hestia A beautiful red and white flowering plant growing to just 45cm or 18 inches in height producing a bumper crop of delicious slim and stringless runner beans.


  • Beetroot Pronto A baby globe beetroot variety, making it perfect for container growing, with a superb flavour and wonderful coloured foliage.
  • Beetroot Pablo F1 This variety produces dark red round beetroots with only a small taproot making it ideal for tasty baby beets. Use the leaves as you would spinach.


  • Carrot Little Fingers This variety is as the name suggests, delightful little roots that are so sweet and full of flavour that can be harvested at only 9 weeks.
  • Carrot Parmex A quick growing variety that produces golf-ball-sized carrots with an excellent flavour as good as any of the traditional carrot varieties. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).
  • Carrot Paris Market A tasty bite-sized carrot with smooth round roots that are fast to mature. Wonderful cooked whole in stews and casseroles.

Chilli Peppers

  • Chili Pepper Cheyenne F1 Hot! An early ripening compact variety that grows to 45cm or 18 inches in height. Cheyenne produces a large harvest of hot orange coloured fruits.
  • Chili Pepper Demon Red Very hot! A very prolific dwarf variety producing masses of green chilli peppers that turn bright red when mature.

Courgettes / Zucchinis

  • Courgette Defender F1 Defender is an excellent British bred variety resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus that never fails to produce a huge crop of dark green superbly flavoured courgettes. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).
  • Courgette Black Forest F1 This is a climbing variety of courgette so it is perfect for patios and backyards producing tasty dark-skinned courgettes.
  • Courgette Midnight F1 Another British bred courgette which produces compact plants that are spine free so making it easier to harvest the delicious dark green glossy fruits.
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