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Container Gardening – Peppers to Tomatoes

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Many people long to grow their own delicious and extremely fresh vegetables but do not have a garden. There are several vegetable varieties specifically bred or suitable for growing in containers on the patio or backyard. Here are some of our favourite varieties.


  • Pepper Gourmet Sweet pepper Gourmet is a dwarf plant with a compact habit that produces a huge crop of gorgeous sweet crispy peppers that turn orange when mature. Gourmet has been awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM) and can be grown outdoors in a sunny sheltered spot.
  • Pepper Gypsy F1 Sweet pepper Gypsy produces a great crop of pointed peppers with an excellent flavour approximately 10cm or 4 inches in length that turn to red when fully mature. Grow outdoors in pots in a very sunny sheltered spot or either a conservatory or greenhouse. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Pepper Mohawk F1 perfect for growing on a patio or in containers as Mohawk is a lovely compact plant producing a good harvest of orange coloured peppers.
  • Pepper Redskin F1 A sister plant to Mohawk with the same compact growing habit producing beautiful red-skinned peppers.


  • Pumpkin Summer Ball F1 A British bred variety producing up to 20 baby pumpkins on a compact bushy plant making it ideal for growing in containers. The pumpkins can be harvested early as summer squash or left to mature into 1kg (2lb) summer pumpkins.


  • Radish Cherry Belle A fast-maturing globe-shaped variety with bright red skins and white flesh which is slow to go woody. Lovely crisp and sweet with a mild flavour.
  • Radish French Breakfast 3 This variety produces red cylindrical roots of a medium length that have a white tip which is crisp but tender and have a mild flavour. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).

Salad Onions / Spring Onions / Green Onions

  • Salad Onion Ishikura A Japanese bunching onion which does not form bulbs but just gradually grows thicker stems and stands well in the ground. Ishiguro can be harvest through the season from thin salad onions to thicker stemmed salad onions removing the need for successional sowing.
  • Salad Onion White Lisbon One of the traditional bulbing varieties favoured by many gardeners. Successional sowing will provide a crop throughout the season.
  • Salad Onion Deep Purple A vibrant deep red-purple salad onion creating interest to any salad dish.


  • Spinach Rhino F1 A slow bolting variety of spinach producing smooth broad leaves. Rhino is a slower maturing variety which makes it ideal for baby leaves.
  • Spinach Galaxy F1 A mini vegetable variety producing glossy, dark green baby spinach leaves that is fully mildew resistant.


  • Squash Sunburst F1 Sunburst is a summer squash producing beautiful mini, golden yellow coloured fruits with a slightly scalloped edge. Extremely tender and tasty simply lightly steam and serve whole. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).
  • Squash Festival This winter squash is a trailing variety that can be left to scramble across the patio or it can be trained up supports where space is limited. Festival produces lovely nutty flavoured grapefruit-sized squashes with a pale orange flesh that are great roasted. Stores well.
  • Squash Gem Gem squashes are small, shiny green fruits with a delicious sweet flavour. A winter squash so it will store, very prolific and ideal for growing in containers as the vine can be trained up canes or an obelisk.

Swiss Chard / Seakale Beet

  • Swiss Chard Bright Lights Probably one of the most colourful vegetables for the kitchen garden with stems ranging in colour from red, green, violet, white, pink, gold, orange and yellow. The leaves can be cooked like spinach with the stems needing slightly longer to cook. Awarded the RHS Award Of Garden Merit (AGM).


  • Tomato Ferline F1 Indeterminate (cordon). An extremely high yielding variety that produces very good-sized tomatoes with a fabulous flavour over a long season. Ferline is blight tolerant, resistant to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt. An excellent tomato that can be grown both in the greenhouse and outdoors.
  • Tomato Gartenperle Determinate (bush). A trailing variety is so ideal for growing in hanging baskets and window boxes. Gartenperle produces a great harvest of red cherry-sized juicy tomatoes throughout the season.
  • Tomato Inca F1 Determinate (bush). A plum tomato variety which produces a huge crop of wonderfully tasty plum tomatoes both outdoors and in the greenhouse. The tomatoes have a thick meaty flesh making them excellent for cooking. Tolerance to fusasrium and verticillium wilts.
  • Tomato Balconi Yellow Determinate (bush). This variety will trail when grown in hanging baskets producing a very heavy crop of sweet, delicious yellow cherry tomatoes. A sister plant to Balconi Red.
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